Restoration & Dreaming

visionCheck out this lead article from the June Focus Newsletter written by our Interim Choir Director & Worship Coordinator, Scott Hafso:

Restoration & Dreaming

It was recently my turn to provide devotions for our OSLC staff meeting. This was the day the staff was to, at the Long Range Planning Committee’s request, devote some time reflecting on the vision, mission and guiding principles of our faith community. This was also in the days leading up to Pentecost Sunday. Perfect! Pentecost and visioning. A bit of Acts 2, throw in some of Peter’s ‘we’re not drunk, but rather fulfilling what was spoken through the prophet Joel,’ and the devotions would practically write themselves.

Except I took some time to reread what was written in Joel 2. And there I noticed, for the first time, two little words: “Then afterward.” After recounting days of Is- rael’s hardship (locusts, drought, fire, darkness, invading armies – to name but a few), the prophet speaks of renewal and restoration flowing out of God’s great and enduring love. The armies shall be removed, the soil made fertile, early rains will grace the land, and God’s people will be satisfied and rejoice, so that they may know God is in the midst of them.

“Then afterward…” (Joel 2: 28)

We read that after a time of hardship, and following a time of restoration, would come an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and a time for dreaming dreams and seeing visions. It is after being blessed with days of renewal and satisfaction that God’s people are called, once again, to dream. Out of abundance, a joyous fearlessness to see where God might next be leading us.

We are a community called and empowered by the Spirit to boldly proclaim God’s love and the good news in Jesus Christ, growing disciples who diligently and actively strive for peace, justice and healing in all the world. [OSLC Vision Statement]

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